
land attack version(FR) MM-40 Exocet block 3 (France version), TeseoOtomat Mk-2/A (Italian version) MBDA Aster SAAMFREMM multipurpose frigate Otobreda 76 mm SR gunFREMM multipurpose frigate The FREMM Multipurpose Frigate (French Frégate Multi-Mission or Italian Fregata Multi-Missione) is a ship designed by DCN and Fincantieri to operate in anti-air, anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare, and be capable of carrying out deep strikes against land targets.
The French Navy plans to operate seventeen FREMM frigates, and the Marina Militare ten. The first commissionings are expected in 2011 when the first of the French vessels is due in service (France has so far placed orders for 8 FREMM frigates [1], Italy 2 [2]. The ships will be built in France by Armaris (a joint venture between state shipyard DCN and arms firm Thales), and in Italy by Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (a joint venture between shipbuilder Fincantieri and aerospace firm Finmeccanica). This arrangement extends the partnerships forged for development of the Horizon CNGFs (Common New Generation Frigates).
France will use the seventeen frigates to replace the anti-submarine Tourville class frigates (F67 type), the anti-submarine Georges Leygues class frigates (F70 type) and the A69 type avisos. Of the new frigates, France will build 8 anti-submarine (ASW) and 9 land-attack (LA) frigates; Italy will build 4 ASW and 6 general-purpose (GP) frigates to replace the (8) Maestrale and (4) Lupo class frigates.
The FREMM will be the first European warships to include drones in their standard equipment [3].
The first eight French ships have been named Aquitaine, Normandie, Provence, Bretagne, Auvergne, Languedoc, Alsace and Lorraine. The first two Italian ships have been named Carlo Bergamini and Carlo Margottini.


MU 90 torpedoes
MM-40 Exocet block 3 (France version)
TeseoOtomat Mk-2/A block 4, for naval and land attack (Italian version)
MBDA Aster SAAM in SYLVER launchers
Otobreda 76 mm Super Rapid gun with Davide ammunition
NH90 helicopter, capability for EH101 (Italian version)