
The Hibbert Lectures are an annual series of non-sectarian lectures on theological issues. They are sponsored by the Hibbert Trust, which was founded in 1847 by the Unitarian Robert Hibbert with a goal to uphold "the unfettered exercise of private judgement in matters of religion.". In recent years the lectures have been broadcast by the BBC.

Lecturers (incomplete list)

1878 Max Müller On the Religions of India (inaugural)
1879 Peter le Page Renouf The Religion of the Egyptians
1880 Ernest Renan Lectures on the Influence of the Institutions, Thought And Culture of Rome on Christianity And the Development of the Catholic Church
1881 T. W. Rhys Davids Indian Buddhism
1882 Abraham Kuenen National Religions and Universal Religion
1883 Charles Beard The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in its Relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge
1884 Albert Reville The Native Religions of Mexico and Peru
1885 Otto Pfleiderer The Influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity
1886 John Rhys Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathendom
1887 Archibald Sayce Babylonian Religion
1888 Edwin Hatch Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages Upon the Christian Church
1891 Eugene, Count Goblet D'Alviella Lectures on the Origin and Growth of the Concept of God, as Illustrated by Anthropology and History ISBN 978-0766102071
1892 Claude Montefiore The Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Hebrews
1893 C. B. Upton Lectures on the bases of religious belief
1894 James Drummond Via, Veritas, Vita; Christianity in its most simple and intelligible form Hibbert Lectures 1950-1999

2003 James L. Cox Religion without God: Methodological Agnosticism and the Future of Religious Studies