
The Jakarta Project creates and maintains open source software for the Java platform. It operates as an umbrella project under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation, and all of Jakarta products are released under the Apache License.

Jakarta Project Subprojects
Major contributions by the Jakarta Project include tools, libraries and frameworks such as:
The following projects were formerly part of Jakarta, but now form independent projects within the Apache Software Foundation:

BCEL - a Java byte code manipulation library
BSF - a scripting framework
Cactus - a unit testing framework for server-side Java classes
ECS - The Element Construction Set is a Java API for generating elements for various markup languages.
HttpComponents- The Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol.
JCS - JCS is a distributed caching system written in java.
JMeter - a load- and stress-testing tool.
ORO - Java classes that provide Perl5 compatible regular expressions.
Regexp - Pure Java Regular Expression package.
Slide - a content repository primarily using WebDAV.
Taglibs - Repository for JSP custom tag libraries.
Ant - a build tool
Commons - a collection of useful classes intended to complement Java's standard library.
HiveMind - a services and configuration microkernel
Maven - a project build and management tool
POI - a pure Java port of Microsoft's popular file formats.
Struts - a web application development framework
Tapestry - A component object model based on JavaBeans properties and strong specifications
Tomcat - a JSP/Servlet container
Turbine - a rapid development web application framework
Velocity - a template engine